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Picture Framing


So, you’ve got a great new print or you have an original artwork that you would like to take pride of place in your home. Don’t just go out and buy a frame, that would be a mistake. Take your time to have a good look at what you’re framing. By doing this you can begin to understand what framing is actually about. The art of picture framing is about the framing of the art, and it begins here – not with a frame. Many people go out and buy a frame before they’ve really taken account of the aesthetics of a particular frame and its final context. Framing is not like the Great British Bake Off: gather your ingredients, and then follow the recipe. It isn’t.

Every single picture framing job is unique, bespoke, if you will, and needs to be planned as such. This means taking care to make the correct decisions that will inform the way a specific piece of work is presented. You could just look at the artwork itself without regard to anything else, but real design means looking beyond the artwork alone. This can also mean understanding the environment in which the overall piece will sit, both the artwork and its frame. Such a viewpoint helps to focus the sensitivities that are required to make the correct design decisions.

Frame Cutter close-up
Finishing B & W



With picture framing experience dating back to 1984, A & G Bespoke Picture Framers and Restorers are established as the premier bespoke picture framers in Leicester. All frames are hand made to order using traditional equipment for a truly 'one-off' personalised frame. From single commissions to multiple frames required for shows, installation and exhibitions, A & G have supplied them all with quality and workmanship they are renowned for. In 2014 Alex & Gary moved to their new premises at Makers Yard.

Makers Yard

Makers Yard


The buildings at 82-86 Rutland Street, now Makers Yard, form the earliest surviving example of an unpowered hosiery factory in the East Midlands. They were originally built in stages between 1854 and 1863 for J. Brown and Sons, a hosiery manufacturer specialising in gloves. In contrast to some of the magnificent neighbouring warehouse buildings, which were built later in Rutland Street, the buildings from 82 to 86 Rutland Street were not designed by architects.

Bespoke Display Cabinet

Bespoke Framing

A & G Picture Framers take immense pride in their ability to frame virtually anything that can be framed. Throughout their careers Alex and Gaz have framed many wonderful and unusual items, encompassing numerous items of sporting memorabilia including Wrestling and Boxing Belts, Numismatist and Philatelist display cabinets, along with Film, Music, TV, Gaming and War memorabilia. The diligence and expertise they apply in the construction of these bespoke frames and cabinets is also carried through to the more familiar framing of art works and art prints, as every item is treated as unique and as individual as the people who commission them.

Exhibitions & Installations

As well-respected picture framers Alex and Gaz have had the pleasure of being asked to collaborate with local and national exhibitions and installations. A & G have provided frames and framing services for exhibitions at New Walk Museum, and the LCB Depot in Leicester, various galleries in London and elsewhere. In addition, A & G Picture Framers have also supplied local pubs, clubs, bars and shops with the framing services that help them display the artwork within their premises.

Have a look around

We make it

“The pride of the artisan in his art and its uses is pride in himself…It is in his skill and ability to make things as he wishes them to be that he rejoices.” ~ George Santayana
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Customer Notice

To all our lovely customers, We are sorry to announce that unfortunately we will be closed from Monday 24th February 2025 until Monday the 17th March 2025. When we will resume normal service. Thank you all for your support and understanding!